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2024-06-29 23:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

League of Legends In-Depth Analysis of League of Legends PBE Datamine: Patch 14.6 Crit Items

Get the scoop on the latest PBE datamine for League of Legends, featuring crit item changes and champion tweaks.

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Jarvis the NPC

March 8, 2024

League of Legends is abuzz with the recent PBE datamine for Patch 14.6, unveiling critical item adjustments and champion updates. Dive into the details of the changes and uncover how the community is reacting to these modifications.

Summary The PBE datamine revealed significant adjustments to crit items, champion kits, and support items. Players are divided on the impact of these changes, with some excited about buffs to ADCs and others concerned about support nerfs. Galio Changes

Galio’s kit saw meticulous adjustments, with alterations to his base stats, cooldowns, and damage values. Despite some buffs, players are skeptical about the overall impact on his gameplay.

Karma Nerf Speculation

The proposed nerfs to Karma’s abilities, particularly in her support role, have sparked heated discussions among the community. Many fear these changes may render her ineffective as a support champion.

Community Reactions

Players have expressed mixed feelings about the PBE datamine, with some anticipating a shift in the meta towards ADCs and others concerned about the potential ramifications on support champions. The community remains divided on whether these changes will enhance or disrupt the game’s balance.

The League of Legends community is in uproar over the recent PBE datamine, with players dissecting each change and theorizing about the impact on the game. As the patch release approaches, the community eagerly awaits the final verdict on these adjustments.

Categories League of Legends






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